How to tell the differences?
The common question that EVERYONE tends to ask...
Well I'm here to explain it a little more in details for you to understand.
ps. You can thank me a little later ;)
So... Let's start with ....
The Solotica Hidrocor Colour has NO limbal ring,
which also means no dark ring on the outer edges of the lenses.
It is the most opaque in all 3 types of Solotica Lenses.
It is the most brightest and lightest, and did i mention lightest?
Yes, they are super light..
It can literally turn Dark brown eyes to achieve a VERY light eyes....
So keep that in mind !
We have photos and videos for your reference here when you click on our products.
The Solotica Hidrocharme Colour has a STRONG limbal ring,
which also means a dark thick ring on the outer edges of the lenses.
It is not overly bright, but still makes a statement because of its limbal ring...
the opacity on these are still beautiful, but looks less natural out of all,
because the ring is too thick..
BUT it does make the eyes look slightly bigger and bolder..
The Solotica NATURAL Colour has a slight limbal ring...
which means just a thin ring on the outer edges of the lenses.
It is the medium opacity in all 3 types of Solotica Lenses.
It is still bright and light,
..but this is more Natural Looking and still gives that bold and sharp look to the eyes... very distinctive.
Definitely makes a statement.
Highly recommended!
But please bare in mind, everyone's eye colour varies.... you can only have this as base. But some colours they look more grey, blue, or browner on everyone's eye colour, so sometimes you just have to give it a try .. and find out which colour suits you best ...;) MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWLETTER TO GET UPDATED WITH STOCK AND ANY NEW FACTS <3 AND OFCOURSE... SPECIAL DEALS THAT ONLY EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE HEHE
There you are my beauties!
I hope this blog helped you understand a little bit more, and please feel free to share this blog ;)
And let us know what other problems, or anything you want answered! We all always doing our best to help you as much as we can <3
ta ta my billionaire beauties, Kind regards, <3